As part of a media studies course you can expect to learn about the media and it's influential role on today's society.
You will study the different forms of media from broadcasting to social media and how it has changed over time. You will also look at how different genders, ages and races are represented in the media.
Completing a media studies course will give you skills in script writing, filming, editing, teamwork and planning.
There are lots of job opportunities in the creative and media sector including broadcasting, film, sales, advertising, event management and journalism.
Subjects that combine well with media studies include English, photography, drama and art and design.
Selection of jobs using the subject Media Studies
- Actor
- Advertising account executive
- Advertising copywriter
- Community arts worker
- Computer games developer
- Computer games tester
- Drug and alcohol worker
- Events manager
- Film critic
- Media researcher
- Social media influencer
- Stagehand
- TV or film assistant director
- TV or film assistant production co-ordinator
- TV or film camera operator
- TV or film production manager
- TV or film production runner
- TV presenter
- User experience (UX) designer
- Video editor
- Web content manager
- Web designer
- Writer
Explore more jobs related to Media Studies
Check out more than 800 other job profiles, the above list is just a selection of jobs related to Media Studies, there will be loads more!
Examples of apprenticeships that relate to media studies:
- Broadcast production assistant - Level 3
- Junior Content Producer - Level 3
- Assistant recording technician - Level 4
- Junior visual effects - VFX artist or assistant technical director - Level 4
- Journalist - Level 5
- Digital marketer (degree) - Level 6
Search for live apprenticeship vacancies
Examples of vocational courses at college related to Media Studies
- T Level Media, Broadcast and Production
- Level 3 Digital Media
- Level 3 Film and Television Production
Examples of degree courses that relate to media:
To see other courses related to media
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You can watch some great videos of people who are studying or working in jobs that use Media Studies on Careerpilot Video Stories.
Do a free, short, online course to find out more about working in the Media Industry (looks great on your CV too!)
Or view other free online courses in media studies
More general
- Do the Careerpilot Skills Profile so you can identify all the skills you can talk about when you apply.
- Search for courses and apprenticeships related to Media Studies.