Quizzes that match your skills and interests to jobs
There are quite a few quizzes available that will ask you lots of questions and from your results suggest jobs that might suit you or identify strengths or skills you have that will be useful in future study or work.

These can be fun to do and will help you find out more about lots of jobs that might suit you. But remember, the quizzes are just to help you start thinking about what is important to you, and the results are just a suggestion of things you might find interesting, so take the results as a guide rather than a perfect fit!
You will need to explore the suggested jobs in detail to see if they are really what you want. The over 800 Careerpilot Job Profiles have lots of detail to help you decide.

Do the Careerpilot job sector quiz and see which job sector could offer you what you want.

Do the Careerpilot Skills Profile and see what skills you have now and add your own (you can also see YOUR Skills alongside the skills needed in a job you are interested in - just type in the job name).
The Careerpilot Buzz quiz helps you think about the personality traits you have and what jobs, subjects might suit you.
If you want to do other quizzes here are a few ideas but you will have to register to use them.
The SACU Spartan test is an interest guide based on pictures which generates possible degree subjects for you. It also has a test to help you search for career ideas.
Do the Prospects quiz, which takes 12-15 minutes. Answer questions about your skills, motivations and desires, and get mapped to jobs that might be of interest. The Prospect site also has lots of job profiles.