Studying drama helps you develop as an individual, with a group and also creatively.
You will explore and apply your knowledge of the process of creating and developing drama and theatre and also learn performance skills.
Whether you prefer performing or being back stage drama can develop your confidence, communication and teamwork skills and if you are involved in planning or organising a performance then these skills can be useful in many jobs.
The skills you gain from doing drama can lead to careers such as performing arts, media, business, law, advertising, sales, hospitality and tourism.
Selection of jobs using the subject Drama
- Actor
- Arts administrator
- Community arts worker
- Digital marketer
- Dramatherapist
- Entertainer
- Events manager
- Image consultant
- Lighting technician
- Live sound engineer
- Media researcher
- Pop musician
- Screenwriter
- Set designer
- Singing teacher
- Social media influencer
- Social media manager
- Tour manager
- TV or film camera operator
- TV or film producer
- TV or film sound technician
- TV presenter
Explore more jobs related to drama
Check out more than 800 other job profiles, the above list is just a selection of jobs where an interest in drama could take you, there will be loads more!
Examples of apprenticeships that relate to drama
- Live event technician- Level 3
- Creative Venue Technician - Level 3
- Live event rigger - Level 3
- Arts Therapist - Level 7
Watch a short film on Drama and Music apprenticeships here.
Search live apprenticeship vacancies
Examples of vocational course at college
- Level 1-3 Performing and Production Arts
Search for other vocational courses
Examples of degree courses that relate to drama
Search other degree courses related to drama
If you love this subject and want to take if forward, what else can you do right now?
Watch related videos
You can watch some great videos of people who are working in or studying drama on Careerpilot Video Stories.
Do a free, short, online course to find out more about drama (looks great on your CV too!)
Or view other free online courses related to arts.
More general
- Do the Careerpilot Skills Profile so you can identify all the skills you can talk about when you apply.
- Look at the 'I want to be creative in my working life' section.
- Search for courses and apprenticeships related to drama.