Dance enables you to develop socially whilst promoting creativity, fitness and well-being.
As you become a performer, you'll also develop your confidence, self-esteem and team working skills.
Dance can involve hours of practice to develop the physical and technical skills to learn and perform a piece. This positive and determined mind set will be useful in all jobs!
Dancers are creative, have confidence in performing in front of an audience and working with others.
Many dancers go into the performing arts, media, health and well-being such as yoga or Pilates teaching or other 'people jobs' such as tourism.
Selection of jobs using the subject Dance
- Circus performer
- Dance teacher
- Dancer
- Events manager
- Fitness instructor
- PE teacher
- Personal trainer
- Pilates teacher
- Play therapist
- Primary school teacher
- Sports coach
- Stunt performer
- TV or film assistant production co-ordinator
- TV presenter
- Video editor
- Visual merchandiser
- Wardrobe assistant
- Web content manager
- Yoga teacher
Explore more jobs related to Dance
Check out more than 800 other job profiles, the above list is just a selection of jobs where an interest in dance could take you, there will be loads more!
Examples of apprenticeships that relate to dance
- Community Activator Coach - Level 2
- Community Sport and Health Officer - Level 3
- Arts Therapist - Level 7
Search live apprenticeship vacancies
Examples of vocational courses at college
- Level 3 Performing Arts - Musical Theatre
- Level 3 Dance
Search for vocational college courses
Examples of degree courses that relate to dance
Search other degree courses related to dance
See a list of CDMT accredited institutions (Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre)
If you love this subject and want to take it forward, what else can you do right now?
Watch related videos
You can watch some great videos of people who are working in or studying Dance on Careerpilot Video Stories.
Do a free, short, online course to find out more about dance (looks great on your CV too!)
Or view other free online courses related to dance.
More general
- Do the Careerpilot Skills Profile so you can identify all the skills you can talk about when you apply.
- Look at the 'I want to be creative in my working life' section.
- Search for courses and apprenticeships related to dance.