Law is a popular subject and studying law will give you a good understanding about how the legal system works in the UK and the rest of the world.
On the course you will develop your research skills and will need to absorb lots of information.
You will need good written and analytical skills to apply the law in exam questions and you will develop good debating and presentation skills.
As well as careers directly related to law, a qualification in law can lead onto a wide range of opportunities including business, politics, government, media and journalism.
Law combines well with English, maths or business.
Selection of jobs using the subject Law
- Barrister
- Barrister's clerk
- Charity director
- Civil Service manager
- Company secretary
- Corporate responsibility and sustainability practitioner
- Crown prosecutor
- Data analyst-statistician
- Environmental consultant
- Forensic computer analyst
- Human resources officer
- Magistrate
- Management consultant
- Paralegal
- Patent attorney
- Prison officer
- Scenes of crime officer
- Security Service personnel
- Solicitor
- Stockbroker
- Trading standards officer
- Welfare rights adviser
- Youth offending team officer
Explore more jobs related to law
Check out more than 800 other job profiles, the above list is just a selection of jobs where an interest in law could take you, there will be loads more!
Jobs tagged with a leaf are green jobs that may be involved in producing goods or services that help to protect the environment and look after our natural resources.
Examples of apprenticeships that relate to law
- Paralegal - Level 3
- Probate Technician - Level 4
- Senior compliance / risk specialist - Level 6
- Chartered legal executive - Level 6
- Solicitor - Level 7
Search for live apprenticeship vacancies
Examples of degree courses that relate to law:
Search for other degree courses related to law
If you love this subject and want to take it forward, what else can you do right now?
Watch related videos
You can watch videos of people talking about working in or studying law at Careerpilot Video Stories.
Do a free, short, online course to find out more about law (looks great on your CV too!)
- Introduction to Studying Law
- International Human Rights Law
- From Crime to Punishment: an Introduction to Criminal Justice
Or view other free online courses in Law
More general
- Do the Careerpilot Skills Profile so you can identify all the skills you can talk about when you apply.
- Read the section on 'I want to challenge inequality' in Strengths and Values.
- Search for courses and apprenticeships related to languages.