Since everyone has to study maths at GCSE it is worth remembering that a Grade 5 or above is crucial to progressing towards a maths related career.
At A level there are a number of different options available from core maths, pure maths, further maths and statistics, and there are a shortage of people going into jobs that use lots of maths!
A level Mathematics is the most popular A level subject. It involves studying:
· pure maths – use of algebra, graphical techniques and new material such as calculus
· statistics – including analysis of data, interpretation of graphs such as scatter diagrams, and new topics including the Normal distribution and hypothesis testing
· and mechanics – studying the motion of objects by considering forces and interpreting graphs representing motion.
A level Mathematics is a requirement for certain degree courses, such as Engineering, Physics, Statistics, and often Economics. Although not a requirement, A level Mathematics is a typical subject taken by students on courses as wide ranging as Architecture, Law and Psychology.
A level Mathematics is useful for those interested in apprenticeships in Accounting, Engineering, Teaching and Technology. You can view more information about studying maths beyond GCSE on the AMSP website.
You can gain a variety of different skills from maths including problem solving, data analysis, attention to detail and communication skills.
Selection of jobs using the subject Maths
- Accounting technician
- Actuary
- Air traffic controller
- Architect
- Artificial intelligence (AI) engineer
- Automotive engineer
- Bank manager
- Civil engineer
- Credit controller
- Criminologist
- Cyber intelligence officer
- Data analyst-statistician
- Data scientist
- Economist
- Electrical engineer
- Finance officer
- Financial adviser
- Insurance underwriter
- Investment analyst
- Landscape architect
- Meteorologist
- Nuclear engineer
- Research scientist
- Software developer
- Stockbroker
- Tax adviser
Explore more jobs related to Maths
Check out more than 800 other job profiles, the above list is just a selection of jobs where a love of maths could take you, there will be loads more!
Jobs tagged with a leaf are green jobs that may be involved in producing goods or services that help to protect the environment and look after our natural resources.
Examples of vocational courses related to Maths
- Level 2/3 Accountancy
- T-Level Accounting
- T-Level Digital Business Services
- T-Level Finance
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Examples of apprenticeships that relate to maths:
- Payroll Administrator - Level 3
- Actuarial technician - Level 4
- Financial services administrator- Level 3 (equivalent to A levels at grades A to E). Typical length:12 months
- Assistant Accountant - Level 3
- Workplace Pensions (administrator or consultant) - Level 3
- Financial Services professional - Level 6
Watch a short film about Maths apprenticeships here.
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Examples of degree courses that relate to maths:
Search for other degree courses related to maths
If you love this subject and want to take it forward, what else can you do right now?
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You can watch some great videos of people who are studying or working in jobs that use maths on Careerpilot Video Stories.
Do a free, short, online course to find out more about maths (looks great on your CV too!)
- Flexagons and the math behind twisted paper
- Maths puzzles: Cryptarithms, symbologies and secret codes
Or view other free online courses in maths
More general
- Do the Careerpilot Skills Profile so you can identify all the skills you can talk about when you apply.
- Search for courses and apprenticeships related to Maths.