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Photography involves using your creative and practical skills.

You can often pick up photography at A Level/Level 3 without having studied it as a GCSE subject.

There are lots of different types of photography; portraits and weddings, landscapes, still life, documentary journalism, fashion photography, experimental, multimedia and moving image.

On a photography A Level/Level 3 you will learn how to use photographic equipment such as; cameras, tripods and lighting. You will also explore traditional dark room processing as well as using digital technology such as Photoshop and Illustrator. You will also be using drawing and sketch books too.

Photography combines well with other subjects such as; art and design, media, graphics, and business.

As well as a career in photography, this subject can take you into careers in a range of creative areas from graphic design, web design, animation, advertising, games and film design, visual FX and art curation.

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Check out more than 800 other job profiles, the above list is just a selection of jobs related to Photography, there will be loads more!

Examples of vocational college courses that relate to photography

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Examples of apprenticeships which relate to photography:

  • Fashion Studio Assistant - Level 3 
  • Junior 2D Artist (Visual Effects) - Level 4 
  • Assistant Technical Director (Visual Effects) - Level 4
  • Photographer - Level 4
  • Advertising Creative - Level 6
Search for live apprenticeship vacancies

Examples of degree courses that relate to photography

Go to the UWE Bristol homepage

BA (Hons) in Film making/ Animation/ Photography

Falmouth University

Photography BA(Hons) | Falmouth University

Bath Spa University

BA (Hons) Fashion Photography

Plymouth Marjon University (St Mark & St John)

BA(Hons) Journalism with Photography

Search for other degree courses related to Photography

If you love this subject and want to take it forward, what else can you do right now?

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You can watch videos of people who are studying or working in jobs that use photography on Careerpilot Video Stories.

Do a free, short, online course to find out more about working in the Media Industry (looks great on your CV too!)

View more: Creative Arts and Media Courses

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