Health and Social Care is one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK with demand for both health and social care employees continuously rising. Social care employees, include roles such as care assistants and social workers, working with individuals to support them to be as independent as possible in their own homes, in care homes or in nursing homes. Healthcare employees such as doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, healthcare assistants and physiotherapists, work with individuals to enhance their quality of life by improving their health.
Studying Health and Social Care involves studying human growth and early years development, health and social care services and values, and health and wellbeing, helping you to explore the skills and knowledge needed to work within this growing sector.
Selection of jobs using the subject Health & Social Care
- Ambulance care assistant
- Audiologist
- Care worker
- Child protection officer
- Childminder
- Children's nurse
- Family mediator
- Family support worker
- Foster carer
- Health service manager
- Health visitor
- Hospital porter
- Midwife
- Nursing associate
- Pharmacy technician
- School nurse
- Sexual health adviser
- Social work assistant
- Social worker
- Youth worker
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Examples of apprenticeships that relate to Health and Social Care
- Dental Nurse - Level 3
- Healthcare Support Worker - Level 2 or 3
- Community health and wellbeing worker - level 3
- Children, young people and families practitioner - Level 4
- Youth worker - Level 6
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Examples of vocational college courses that relate to Health and Social Care
- T-Level Health
- T-Level Healthcare Science
- Level 3 Applied Science
- Level 3 Health and Social Care
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Examples of degree courses that relate to Health and Social Care
BSc (Hon) Social Work and Applied Social Sciences at Bath University
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care at UWE Bristol
Foundation Degree (FdSc) Nursing Associate at Plymouth Marjon University
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If you love this subject and want to take it forward, what else can you do right now?
Explore NHS Careers
Visit the NHS Careers site for comprehensive information and advice on working within the NHS, with details on a range of health and social care job roles. Complete a careers quiz to see which NHS roles may suit you.
Watch related videos
You can watch videos of people who are working in or studying health and social care on Careerpilot Video Stories.
Do a short online Future Learn course (some are free) to find out more about Healthcare & Medicine - looks great on your CV too!
Examples of courses on Future Learn:
The NHS Explained: How the Health System in England Really Works
Introduction to Nursing: Bioscience, Psychology, and Sociology
Ethical Decision-Making in Care
View online courses in Healthcare
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