The Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE combines the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating.
It helps you develop cooking techniques, as well as knowledge of food traditions and kitchen safety.
The course gives you a range of skills, like planning and organising, working independently, understanding and applying science and even creative skills.
It can lead to a wide range of careers. For example you could be designing new ice cream flavours, or working in a hotel, restaurant or tourist attraction.
You could also be working in distribution or retail for a supermarket or advising people about healthy eating as a nutritionist. Food tech combines well with biology, chemistry and business studies.
Selection of jobs using the subject Food (GCSE only)
- Agricultural engineer
- Baker
- Barista
- Butcher
- Catering manager
- Chef
- Farmer
- Food factory worker
- Food manufacturing inspector
- Food packaging operative
- Food scientist
- Head chef
- Hotel manager
- Meat process worker
- Nutritional therapist
- Nutritionist
- Packaging technologist
- Restaurant manager
- Street food trader
Explore more jobs related to Food
Check out more than 800 other job profiles, the above list is just a selection of jobs where an interest in food could take you, there will be loads more!
Examples of apprenticeships that relate to food
- Hospitality team member - Level 2
- Commis chef - Level 2
- Food technologist - Level 3
- Senior chef production cooking - Level 3
- Food and drink maintenance engineer - Level 3
- Food and Drink Advanced Engineer - Level 6
Watch a short film about Food and Nutrition apprenticeships here.
Search for live apprenticeship vacancies
Examples of vocational courses at college
- Level 1 Hospitality and Catering
- Level 2 Professional Cookery
- T-Level Catering
Search for college courses
Examples of degree courses that relate to food:
Search for other degree courses related to food
If you love this subject and want to take it forward, what else can you do right now?
Watch related videos
You can watch some great videos of people who are working in or studying food on Careerpilot Video Stories.
Do a free, short, online course to find out more about food (looks great on your CV too!)
Or view other free online courses related to food
More general
- Do the Careerpilot Skills Profile so you can identify all the skills you can talk about when you apply.
- Search for courses and apprenticeships related to Food.