The different ways you can help and support people - which one are you interested in?
Do you want a job where you are making a difference to people's lives by providing an important service?
There are lots of jobs in this area. What aspect of providing a service is important to you?
- Protecting or rescuing the public from violence or dangerous situations
- Providing health/ medical advice or treatment to help people.
- Providing physical and emotional care for people
- Helping children and young people to learn and thrive.
- Providing specialist advice and support for children, young people and families
- Protecting the public by providing legal advice and services and prosecuting people who are accused of crimes
- Representing people's views and concerns, creating laws and policies that can improve people's lives [depending on your view!]
Selection of jobs using the value of I want to help and support people in my job
- Aid worker
- Ambulance care assistant
- Assistance dog trainer
- Bomb disposal technician
- Care worker
- Celebrant
- Charity fundraiser
- Childminder
- Children's nurse
- Counsellor
- Dental therapist
- Drug and alcohol worker
- Early years teacher
- English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher
- Family support worker
- Firefighter
- Health play specialist
- Healthcare assistant
- Mental health nurse
- MP
- Nanny
- Nursery worker
- Nursing associate
- Nutritional therapist
- Paralegal
- Paramedic
- Pharmacist
- Podiatrist
- Police officer
- Prison officer
- Probation officer
- Psychotherapist
- RAF officer
- Recycling engagement officer
- Security Service personnel
- Social worker
- Solicitor
- Special educational needs (SEN) teacher
- Sports development officer
- Teaching assistant
- Youth offending team officer
See more jobs...
Check out more than 800 other job profiles. The above list is just a selection of jobs where providing a service will be greatly valued, there will be loads more!
These job sectors might be good places to start (there are other job sectors too) if you want to provide a service in your working life, click through to the job profiles to find out the details.

What can help you build relevant skills to get into one of these careers that provide a service?
Sign up for these programmes
Duke of Edinburgh Award. It is well recognised and provides lots of useful evidence for demonstrating team work, organisation and planning and also taking part in volunteering in the community.
If you are 16 or 17 you can also take part in National Citizen Service programme and build team skills by volunteering on a project in your community.
NHS Cadets is a brand-new scheme created by St John Ambulance in partnership with the NHS. It’s designed to provide you with the opportunity to explore roles in healthcare.
Volunteer for a charity or in the community to show you care
If you want to do a job working with the public and people, build up your experience by volunteering for a charity or for an organisation such as in a nursery or care home - this will build up your confidence in working with people of different ages and backgrounds e.g. taking part in games and activities with older people.
Relevant work experience and part time work
Where possible, it is useful to get relevant work experience in Year 10 and Year 12. For some careers such as the army, police and medicine you will need to start researching this about 12 months ahead, as it is likely to be competitive and require a specific application process.
In some careers it may not be possible to do work experience. If that is the case - don't worry - see if you can develop your experience with people either through volunteering with a charity or a community group like Cubs or Brownies. Even volunteering weekly in a charity shop will bring you in touch with lots of different people and show your commitment to regular volunteering.
Part time jobs such as working in a cafe or a shop can be very useful for developing transferable customer service skills for dealing with the public and difficult situations.
Become a Cadet
If you are thinking of joining the armed forces or the police it is a good idea to see if you can get into the cadets, which is aimed at young people and develops your team skills and resilience. You will benefit from training, fun expeditions, relevant experiences and get to see whether it is something that would suit you as a career. Either way it looks good on your CV.
Do you meet the fitness and medical requirements?
For many of these careers such as the armed forces, the police and firefighter there is requirement to be to a specific fitness standard and also to meet specific medical requirements. It is worth finding out what these are in advance, so you can check meet the criteria. As you would expect -they do vary depending on what career you are applying for. Check in advance to give yourself time to improve your running, swimming or number of press ups!
Other Careerpilot tools you can use to find jobs that suit you
Do the Job Quiz and see what sectors match what you want from work.
Do the Skills Profile to see what skills you have now and save them to talk about on applications