'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere' – Martin Luther King Jr
- Are you passionate about standing up for things you believe in, and speaking out against things you consider to be wrong or unfair in society?
- Do you want to create a sense of belonging in society, where individual differences are valued and respected and everyone can do well?
There are lots of opportunities to work in careers that can change the world.
Selection of jobs using the value of I want to challenge inequality
- Aid worker
- Barrister
- Bid writer
- Charity director
- Charity fundraiser
- Community development worker
- Community education co-ordinator
- Crown prosecutor
- Data analyst-statistician
- Diplomatic Service officer
- Equalities officer
- Foster carer
- Higher education lecturer
- Housing policy officer
- Human resources officer
- Interpreter
- Local government officer
- Market research data analyst
- Marketing manager
- MP
- Public relations officer
- Social media manager
- Social worker
- Solicitor
- Trade union official
- TV or film producer
- Video editor
- Youth worker
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Check out more than 800 other job profiles The above list is just a selection of jobs where challenging inequality will be valued, there will be loads more!
These job sectors might be good places to start if you want a job where you can challenge inequality, there are jobs in lots of other sector too, click through to the job profiles to find out the details.

Jobs that protect rights and promote social change
Examples of jobs include:
- A barrister or solicitor representing clients to prevent discrimination and injustice.
- A public relations officer for a charity, for example, Amnesty International, who investigate and expose abuses of human rights all over the world.
- Work at the United Nations in Geneva or New York advocating and negotiating human rights.
- Work for the Equality and Human Rights Commission who uphold the rights and laws in the UK
- Get elected for Youth parliament so you can gain experience, and then stand as an MP so you can change laws and policies.
- Run a marketing campaign for a charity to change attitudes and public policy e.g. watch 'Kick it out' films to see their campaign to bring greater inclusion and diversity to football.
- Work as a youth worker in your area to build a stronger and safer community.
- Train as an Equality, Diversity, Inclusion specialist for a business to look at ways to attract more diversity.
- Work for Oxfam as an aid worker overseas.
Make Injustice History - Crack the Crises
Degrees related to Social Change
Social Policy and Social Change BA Hons - University of Kent
Law, Human Rights and Social Justice LLB - De Montfort University
Youth and Community Development BA Hons - Liverpool Hope
International Development BA Hones - University of Portsmouth
Apprenticeships related to Social Change
Queen Mary University of London - Degree apprenticeship with a charity whilst studying for BA Business Management [Social Change]
The Civil Service offers apprenticeships in Department for Levelling Up / Homes and Communities