Do you have a passion for wildlife and the natural world?
You can help protect nature from the effects of modern ways of living and climate change by working in jobs that protect our local wildlife and habitats or protect endangered wildlife and habitats across the world.
Over half of Britain's wildlife species are now in decline, once common animals like hedgehogs are now endangered. If you want to make a difference here are some areas you could work in.
Selection of jobs using the value of I want to protect nature
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Check out more than 800 other job profiles, the above list is just a selection of jobs where protecting nature will be valued, there will be loads more!
These job sectors might be good places to start if you want to protect nature but there are jobs in many other job sectors too, click through to the job profiles to find out the details.

Job opportunities that will protect nature?
Creating a wild future where you live
Local authorities, the National Trust and Wildlife Trusts have got money for rewilding protects to protect endangered habitats in the UK. This will enable 'nature-friendly' land use such as; planting hedgerows, long grass and weeds, wetlands and woodland - allowing plants and animals to thrive.
Examples of rewilding jobs include; Nature recovery co-ordinator, conservation scientists, ecologists, ornithologists, bat data analyst, biodiversity co-ordinators, countryside rangers, living landscape officers, volunteer co-ordinator, wellbeing co-ordinator
To prevent climate change, there are lots of new forests being planted all over the UK. Examples of jobs include; head of peatland, forestry operations manager, urban tree planting project manager. Find out more about careers in Forestry and Arboriculture.
Protecting the planet by working with endangered animals across the world
Many wild animals are at risk of extinction across the world. You could work to support them in a number of ways:
- Work for a conservation charity such as World Wildlife Fund [WWF] to bring to attention the plight of the endangered animals. Examples of jobs; marketing and fundraising manager, website designer and finance manager.
- Work with animals in the wild to study them and find out more about them and their habitats. Examples of jobs; marine biologist, conservation scientist, ecologist.
- Look after the health and wellbeing of animals and help with breeding programmes. Examples of jobs; zoo or wildlife park keeper, park ranger, vet specialising in animals kept in captivity.
Ways you can help the natural world right now!
You may only be one person, but you can make a difference.
- Nature needs you! So get informed about climate change and what can be done to help protect nature.
- Doing something you believe in will help nature and make you feel good about yourself! For example you can; adopt an endangered snow leopard, [WWF], create a bee friendly garden or support a Greenpeace campaign to stop dumping plastic. What are you going to do?
- Volunteer for your local Wildlife Trust. The Wildlife Trust looks after thousands of nature reserves all over the country, and there will be one in your area. Each area will have opportunities for you to volunteer in a range of roles from hands-on conservation activities to helping with campaigns. Some Wildlife Trusts, like Avon in Bristol, offer work placements for Year 10 students. In conservation careers, volunteering and work experience are as important as qualifications!
So many different roles in wildlife conservation in the Wildlife Trust
Other Careerpilot tools you can use to find jobs that suit you
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