Oxford Professional Acting Extended Diploma
Our aim has been to create a drama school for 16-18 year olds with a professional ethos and rigorous approach.
The course prepares you to think as a professional actor and equips you with the skills to progress to drama school and into the industry. You are taught by expert staff and you benefit from the wide professional networks that those staff bring. The core of the course is the acting class which runs over the two years and takes you through the approaches of Stanislavski, Michael Chekhov, Uta Hagen and Meisner. Staff support you to develop a personal acting process, using techniques from all the approaches. Voice and movement classes support the development of your acting instrument and specialised units, such as Acting for TV and Comedy, develop your skills. The course works towards productions in year 2. These are professionally staged with high production values and you collaborate with working directors, designers and production staff.
Experience a drama school ethos and approach with a minimum of 21 hours of teaching time a week.
Learn approaches to professional acting taught by working industry professionals.
Prepare for drama school or further training with high levels of individual coaching.
What kind of qualification will I achieve?
Our Extended Diploma qualification is a RSL Level 3 Course in Creative and Performing Arts and is a full-time 2 year course. RSL are one of the leading awarding bodies offering specialist qualifications in the creative arts.
To submit your application, please click here.
You will then be invited to an audition. We will send you a selection of audition pieces to choose from (or you can choose your own). Depending on the result, you may be asked to attend a recall audition.
Though experience of dance, drama or expressive arts are advantageous in giving you a sense of what’s involved, we are more interested in raw talent and welcome your application even if you have had little or no experience.
For further information go to: https://www.bristolschoolofact...
Oxford Acting