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Ready to subscribe to Careerpilot?

Universities and university colleges - how to subscribe

Join a successful collaboration of universities providing cost-effective careers resources to mitigate risks linked to APPs

A university, or a consortium of universities in your area, can join the successful and impactful Careerpilot collaboration which has, since 2011, provided cost-effective, award-winning careers information, advice and tools to support young people in getting to know themselves, their options and in making informed progression decisions about the many routes into higher education.

If you choose to subscribe, Careerpilot, which includes a Student, Adviser, Parent and Reporting Zone and a Pathway Planner triage tool, can, through your subscription, be made freely available to 25 or more schools in your region. If you are working in collaboration with other regional universities who subscribe, then Careerpilot can be provided to all schools across a bigger region, as we do in the South West.

Careerpilot supports young people to make well-informed progression decisions whilst also developing skills of self-efficacy, self-reflection and research - which evidence shows, supports attainment. 

Survey evidence from 1000s of student users of Careerpilot users shows the site helps them to:

  • Understand more about the range of options;
  • Learn that degree level could be a choice for them;
  • Feel more able to make decisions and feel better about their futures.

Providing free access to Careerpilot helps schools to deliver an excellent careers programme and helps to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.

As part of a Careerpilot subscription, a university will also access a range of services which are outlined on the flier that can be downloaded below but will include:

  • Access to data on students’ choices, interest and progression plans;
  • Inclusion of your institution as a funding partner on the home page, your own pages in the Provider Search Tool and links to some of your courses embedded across the site, linked to subjects students love, etc.
  • A summary with outputs and outcomes that can be included in the new APPs to show how Careerpilot can mitigate key risks, and how evidence of impact will be evaluated through student voice, specifically for:

     - Risk 1: Skills and Knowledge,

     - Risk 2: Information and Guidance,

     - Risk 3: Perceptions of HE.

  • An annual report to evidence the impact of Careerpilot against the identified risks and outcomes..

Download a flier that summarises the subscription offer for a university.

Download: A flier summarising the subscription offer to universities

See how Careerpilot can support a university's Access and Participation Plans to mitigate risks.

The document explains how the collaboration can be referenced in an APP  and can support your plans to mitigate the risks identified in the Equality of Opportunities Risk Register produced by the Office for Students, specifically:

  • Risk 1: Skills and Knowledge,
  • Risk 2: Information and Guidance,
  • Risk 3: Perceptions of HE.

Download: document - how Careerpilot can support your APP and help mitigate risks

Download documents that show the impact of Careerpilot sessions delivered by Next Steps SW on student outcomes

Download document - NSSW Impact evidence of workshops on student outcomes KS4

Download document - NSSW Impact evidence of workshops on student outcomes Post 16