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Introducing Green Jobs

Green and other jobs that are growing in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

Cornwall uses an estimated £500m of energy each year. Much of this energy is imported from outside Cornwall and is largely dependent upon fossil fuel consumption.

As Cornwall pursues its aim of becoming energy self-sufficient, more and more people will be needed to work in this sector in roles such as solar power, electric vehicles and house retrofits.

The volume of jobs in the clean energy and renewable sector is expected to grow rapidly over the next decade or more. The Green Alliance estimates that there will be an additional 80,000 jobs in this sector by 2040, with some sub-sectors like wind power growing very rapidly.

You can download the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Clean Energy Guide

Cornwall & isles of Scilly Careers Hub also has a great set of posters showing by sector where the jobs are going to be, including in the clean energy sector

Download the set of LMI posters