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Support for applying to higher Education

There is lots of support for students from UK Armed Forces families applying for Higher Education. 

It is recognised that your experience of applying to Higher Education may be different to students from a non-service background e.g. you may have moved schools more often than other students or not been able to take part in Extra Curricular activities. There is also awareness that some young people may face additional challenges when a parent or carer is deployed. Due to this there is a good chance you have developed highly valued unique skills and strengths as a result of such circumstances. 

UCAS has introduced a new flag that will immediately identify to universities and colleges whether an applicant is from a UK Armed Forces background. The flag will be generated simply by ticking a box on the UCAS application form. 

The aim is to flag to admissions and staff to help provide support. Students whose parent(s), carer(s), or partner are current or former UK Armed Forces personnel may find there are unique circumstances to consider when making their applications. They may also be able to get extra support from their chosen university or college. Find out more here.

There are a number of grants and scholarships available to Service children at University

Armed Forces Children's Education Trust exists to assist in funding the education of dependants of Servicemen and Women, both currently serving and retired. Grants are available to those up the age of 25.

Forces Children Scotland offers financial support to college and university students from Scottish military families in the UK, and help with living and transport costs, digital equipment and other specific needs

The Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund provides scholarships of £1500 to children of serving or retired UK Armed Forces personnel aged 17-21. Applicants should apply before they start their first degree at a Uk university. The selection process is by competition and approximately 21 scholarships are awarded each year.

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