Intermediate (Level 2) and Advanced (Level 3) Apprenticeships

If you want to become an apprentice you will need to show that you have the ability to complete the programme.
The entry requirements for Intermediate and Advanced Apprenticeships vary depending on the training provider and employer.
Intermediate Apprenticeship
For a Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship the entry requirements vary depending on the employer and the job. You might need some GCSE qualifications.
If you haven't got Grade 4+ in English and maths then you will need to continue with these subjects until you gain a GCSE at grade 4+, or finish the apprenticeship.
Advanced Apprenticeships
For a Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship you will probably need at least 5 GCSEs with grades 4-9. English and maths grades 4-9 may be required.
Even if you already have other Level 3 qualifications like A Levels or a BTEC you might have to start at the Advanced Apprenticeship level. This is so you can develop your experience and transferable skills in the job area.
For example, professional areas such as training to be an accounting technician require everyone to start at Level 2 regardless of whether a student has A Levels or not.
For students applying for entry to higher education in 2026, UCAS Tariff points will be awarded to apprenticeships at Level 3.
Higher and Degree Apprenticeships
Your career doesn’t have to stop after an Advanced Apprenticeship. If you want to go on to study at a higher level you will find many Higher Education institutions and colleges will value the skills and knowledge gained from your Advanced Apprenticeship, and there are also lots of Higher and Degree Apprenticeships - take a look at the 'Higher Apprenticeships' section to find out more
To find current vacancies available now look at the Careerpilot Apprenticeship Search tool or to where you can also look for apprenticeship vacancies.