Finding an apprenticeship
How to find an apprenticeship
Follow this step by step approach to finding your apprenticeship.
1. Research whether you can you do an apprenticeship in the job you want - and what level the apprenticeship is.

There are hundreds of different apprenticeships available but you have to check if an apprenticeship exists for the career area you are interested in and what level you could start at.
Every type of apprenticeship is graded at a certain level and this affects the entry requirements.
For some apprenticeships everyone has to start at a Level 2 no matter what level of qualifications they already have - for example in hairdressing - everyone has to learn how to wash and dry hair before moving on to cutting. Or, for example, for the trades like plumbing, electrician, etc. - you will need to learn the basics before you can move on.
For some Level 3 jobs you may have to work unsupervised, so if you haven't had much experience of work so far, you may start on a Level 2 before moving on to the Level 3.
Most apprenticeships have pathways for you to progress, but it depends on the job, so you do need to check what opportunities there are for progression.
2. Find out if there any apprenticeship vacancies available in the career you want.

You can do this by looking at the Careerpilot Apprenticeship Search Tool. Search for apprenticeships by job sector to see what's currently available. You can then add any you like to your Careerpilot Career Tools by clicking on 'Add this to My Courses' so all your choices are saved in one place.
3. Go to 'Find an Apprenticeship' on the government site.

Nearly all apprenticeship vacancies are listed on the government site.
You can also use the site to search for and apply for apprenticeship vacancies, and keep track of your applications.
The government has created a new website Amazing Apprenticeships with lots of useful information and help in finding apprenticeships. See what apprenticeship vacancies are coming up soon with big national and international companies like Google, Boots, NHS or BBC.
Look for Higher and Degree apprenticeships
Other ways to find an apprenticeship

Apprenticeships on UCAS
You can now also find out more about apprenticeships and search for vacancies through UCAS.
Apprenticeships | Learn About Apprenticeships And Find The Right One For You (
Through a training provider
Many colleges and training providers will also advertise apprenticeship vacancies on their websites. You can find out which colleges and training providers are close to you in Find a Provider.
Looking on job vacancy sites
Another place to look can be on the big national job vacancy sites such as Indeed, Monster or Total Jobs
There are also specialist job sites: search for 'apprenticeships' on Government jobs, Public Sector jobs and NHS jobs.
Some of these will allow you to upload your CV so that employers can search for you. You can also set up email alerts to your inbox when they have vacancies that match your chosen criteria such as location, job category or keywords.
Rate my apprenticeship is a good place to go to see reviews on apprenticeships and has links to the some of the biggest recruiters of apprentices in the UK.
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