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Is your school / college ready to be a Super User?

We believe that having a clear strategy for careers provision in schools and colleges is really important and want to help staff get the most out of Careerpilot in order to help young people make informed decisions.

To encourage schools and colleges to use Careerpilot we are enabling institutions who use the site extensively to receive a Careerpilot Super User award.

Super Users are schools that have met the following criteria:

  • Have a link to Careerpilot from their school/college website or through their school newsletters 
  • Have 100+ students active (students are signed in to Careerpilot when using) on the site in an academic year (or 10+ students at a special school)
  • Have requested and set up Careerpilot admin access to make full use of the Reporting Zone and to all resources in the Adviser Zone.

What do you get in return?

  • A Careerpilot Super User certificate and logo to celebrate your status
  • Priority access to webinars for your parents and carers and new resources before general release
  • Feature on the Super User list on our website 

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Super User please contact us