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Merchant Navy rating

Merchant Navy ratings carry out a wide range of jobs to help the day-to-day running of a ship.

Annual Salary

£19,000 to £28,000

Average UK salary in 2023 was £34,963
(source Office for National Statistics)

Working hours

48 to 55 variable

You could work: evenings / weekends / bank holidays; away from home

Future employment

There will be 0.3% fewer Merchant Navy rating jobs in 2029.

Day to day tasks

You could:

  • load and unload cargo
  • inspect and clean holds, tanks, cranes and winches
  • repair and paint the ship's hull, fixtures and fittings
  • test fire-fighting and life-saving equipment
  • carry out routine mechanical and electrical maintenance
  • monitor equipment controls
  • prepare meals in the galley and serve food and drinks
  • clean cabins, corridors and decks
  • track stock and re-order supplies

Working environment

You may need to wear a uniform and safety clothing and use safety equipment.

You could work on a ship.

Your working environment may be outdoors in all weathers, cramped, at height and you may spend nights away from home.

You can get into this job through:

  • an apprenticeship
  • applying directly

You can get into this job through a Seafarer (deck) Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship.

By doing this apprenticeship you can become a rating in one of the following areas:

  • deck
  • engine room
  • hospitality services

You can apply directly to shipping companies who advertise vacancies throughout the year.

Entry requirements

You'll usually need:

  • some GCSEs, usually including English and maths, or equivalent, for an intermediate apprenticeship
For more information
  • equivalent entry requirements|
  • guide to apprenticeships|
Direct application

You can apply directly to shipping companies or the Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

Your training will combine college-based study with placements at sea to get practical experience of working on a ship. The length of training depends on your sponsoring company.

You'll need 3 to 4 GCSE grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) in subjects like English, maths and physics, or combined science, or equivalent qualifications.

Employers will expect you to have good practical skills, enthusiasm for the career and the potential to complete ratings training.

You may also find it useful if you have qualifications and experience in:

  • catering
  • engineering
  • freight handling
  • navigation

Further information

You can find out more about becoming a Merchant Navy rating from Careers at Sea.

Requirements and restrictions

You'll need to:

More information

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You could move up through the Merchant Navy ranks of leading hand, petty officer and chief petty officer. With the necessary skills and experience, you could take further training to join the junior officer ranks.

You could also use your skills to move into onshore engineering or a hospitality and catering career.

Skills required and how your skills match up

What skills are required?

You'll need:

  • the ability to work well with others
  • the ability to use your initiative
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail
  • the ability to operate and control equipment
  • problem-solving skills
  • observation and recording skills
  • knowledge of public safety and security
  • patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
  • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages competently
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