Degree Apprenticeships

What are Degree Apprenticeships:
Apprentices on a Degree Apprenticeship will split their time between university study and the workplace and will be employed throughout – gaining a full bachelor’s or master’s degree from a top university while earning a wage and getting real on-the-job experience in their chosen profession.
Higher Apprentices are already able to study to degree level as part of their apprenticeship but Degree Apprenticeships will go further. They will involve a degree as an integral part of the apprenticeship, co-designed by employers to make sure it is relevant to the skills industry is looking for.
A degree with no fees!
The cost of course fees will be shared between government and employers, meaning that the apprentice can earn a full bachelor's or even master's degree without paying any fees.
Who are they for?
As well as being suitable for school leavers as an alternative route to gaining a degree, the new qualifications are expected to strengthen the vocational pathway and be suitable for existing apprentices looking to progress in their career.