General suppport

You may have arrived in the UK after a long and harrowing journey. You may not know the language and how things work. You may have had to fight hard for basics like food safety and housing. Every child should have the chance to be safe, happy and to achieve their dreams regardless of your or your parents immigration status. There is lots of support across the UK to help with this
Refugee Action helps people get the basic support needed to live again with dignity. Then helps them build safe, happy and productive lives in the UK
The Children's Society gives young refugees and migrants opportunities to recover, meet people and start enjoying life in a new country. Specially trained practitioners work with young people one to one for as long as it takes to make them feel better. Where necessary they use interpreters to make sure they get their voices heard
The British Red Cross offers emergency help, one to one support and casework, special services for children and families and family reunions
Barnados offers specialist support to refugee children offering therapeutic support for trauma and practical support. They run foster services for children and young people who arrive on their own, help children get the healthcare and schooling they need while in the UK, give parents practical support such as an interpreter and give families food and clothes
Refugee Education UK is a charity that supports young refugees to access and thrive at the level of education that's right for them – from primary school through to university.