Getting support as you move on from Y11

Financial – Bursary
As a young person in care/care leaver you are entitled to money (£1200 per year) through a guaranteed 16-19 Bursary as long as you are in full-time education (and attending it). This is to cover expenses such as travel, lunches, equipment, trips, uniform, and books. Speak to your school/college about the 16-19 Bursary.
Find out more about the 16-19 Bursary
Pathway Plans
This is YOUR plan and includes where you want to live, your goals, whether you want to continue in education or get a job. Your views and wishes will be taken into account when decisions are made about your future. It is a good idea to think about what you would like to do in the future and then work backwards to make a plan. Aim high and always remember to have a Plan A and a Plan B, just in case things change.
In Year 11, a Post-16 Transition PEP meeting will take place to support the transfer from Yr 11 to Yr 12. The Designated Teacher/Tutor from your post-16 education provider should attend. PEP meetings should continue through your further education to ensure everyone is doing what they should do to support you. You should meet with someone from your education provider before the meeting to discuss what you want to say.
Designated Teacher/Tutor and Virtual School Head
The designated teacher who works at your school/college and the Virtual School Head who works for the local authority are responsible for checking that the school or college understands issues that may affect your education. They will attend PEP meetings and help support you with the transition from school to college and to university.
There is a lot of help available if you want it. Speak to Student Services, the designated teacher/tutor or your class/subject tutor.
The Care Leaver Covenant
The Care Leaver Covenant is a national inclusion programme that supports care leavers aged 16-25 to live independently, covering five areas:
- Independent Living
- Education, Employment & Training
- Safety & Security
- Mental & Physical Health
- Finance
Search for care leaver opportunities here.
Glossary of Terms
CiC – Child in Care / Children in Care
CLA – Child Looked After / Children Looked After
LAC – Looked-After Child / Looked-After Children
YPiC – Young Person in Care / Young People in Care
CL – Care Leaver / Care Leavers