Swindon and Wiltshire Home-Educated Group
Access your own Careerpilot account
We are really happy to be able to offer all home educated young people (and their parents and carers) in the Swindon and Wiltshire region free access to Careerpilot and Parent Zone.
Simply go to the top right hand corner of the Careerpilot homepage to register for your own account and select 'Home Education Futures Swindon and Wiltshire' from the drop down list of 'schools'. You will then be able to access all the Careerpilot tools and activities and save and bookmark information that is useful for you in your own Career Tools profile.
Click here to view a short video that introduces Careerpilot and how to get registered.

FREE careers webinars for Swindon & Wiltshire home educated.
Careerpilot are delighted to be able to offer home educated young people in the Wiltshire and Swindon area access to three free webinars:

1. What fires and inspires you? Explore your skills, values and interests and start thinking about what you want to do in the future.
Tuesday 21st January 2025, 10.30-11.30am
Click here to book your place on the live webinar
Or contact us to request a recording at careerpilot@bath.ac.uk

2. How to explore jobs and get into work. Tips for building your skills and experiences, and creating a skills-based CV to get career ready.
Tuesday 4th February 2025, 10.30-11.30am
Click here to book at place on the live webinar
Or contact us to request a recording at careerpilot@bath.ac.uk

3. Next steps at 16 and 18. Qualifications, apprenticeships, university, work – what’s available and what will you choose?
Tuesday 18th February 2025, 10.30-11.30am
Click here to book a place on the live webinar
Or contact us to request a recording at careerpilot@bath.ac.uk
For more information on supporting home educated young people in Swindon and Wiltshire to make decisions about their future career visit
Home Education Futures.