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User guides for staff & webinar recordings

How to tell students and parents about Careerpilot and the Parent Zone

Careerpilot is a free website that helps young people plan their future study and work. It is a great resource for young people, their parents/carers and also teachers and tutors, who are advising students about the full range of options.

Parents have access to the Careerpilot Parent Zone - which has answers to questions parents are frequently asking with advice and additional useful links so they feel informed and able to support their young person prepare for their future study and career.

Add links to Careerpilot and Parent Zone from your school or college website

Good Careers Guidance reports that telling students, parents/carers and staff about your careers programme is a way of strengthening its impact. 

Set up links to Careerpilot and the Parent Zone from your website using the logo above and the following URL links:

Careerpilot -

Careerpilot Parent Zone -

Download a presentation to introduce Careerpilot to parents

Download slides to introduce Careerpilot to parents

Share videos with students and parents 

For students - How to get registered on Careerpilot

For parents - Using Careerpilot to support your child planning for their future

Other videos for parents can be viewed here

Download a flyer to share with your students and parents

Download a flyer to share with students and parents to introduce Careerpilot and the Parent Zone.