Careerpilot Hot Jobs resources explained
Careerpilot Hot Jobs resources have been developed by the Careerpilot Team (all are qualified Career Advisers and ex-teachers) to highlight jobs that are predicted to grow over the coming years.
The Hot Jobs resources use Labour Market Information (LMI) to support students to learn more about the job role, salary, predicted growth and the routes in, helping meet Gatsby Benchmark 2 - Learning from Labour Market Information.
There are Hot Jobs resources for the following growth sectors:
Hot Job posters can be downloaded and printed in school. There are also linked Hot Job activities suitable for use in tutor time to explore the jobs in more detail using the job profiles on Careerpilot or by referring to the posters.
Hot Jobs images can be downloaded and used in social media/newsletters as Job of the Week.
NB. You will need to log in to Careerpilot with your Member's Admin Access to download these resources - see below.
There are also some open access LMI resources specific to Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, produced by the Careers Hubs in those regions.

These resources are free to Careerpilot users with an admin login.
You can get an admin login if your school/college has completed a Data Sharing Agreement. Any staff member who has been given an admin login for the Reporting Zone also has full access to the Adviser Zone.
You can request access to the Reporting Zone if you are a school or college in one of our funded areas or are in a school outside these areas that is subscribing. Check whether your school is a subscriber.