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Five week career lessons for every year group

Career resources explained

The Careerpilot Team - who are all are qualified career advisers and ex-teachers, have developed a 5 careers lessons for every year group - Y7 to Y12/13 - which aim to support students in:

  • Developing their career skills for life, learning and work;
  • Preparing them for the next career decisions they will have to make.

The pack contains all you need to deliver 5 lessons that are relevant to the decisions or exploration the targeted year group needs to be focussed on. 

If you haven't got time to deliver all 5 then the first lesson is a great introduction to what students need to do or think about in that specific year.

The career lessons are available free to all schools with a Reporting Zone password.

The Y7-Y10 packs require students to have access to Careerpilot so they can use the wealth of information and tools offered through the site but also to help them build their career report, but lessons 2-4 also have suggested offline activities if is difficult to give students access to a computer. The Y11-Y12/13 lessons will require students to have access to Careerpilot for each of the five lessons. 

Students should register and always be signed in when using the site so they can add their choices and results to their Career Tool report. The report moves up annually with them, can be ‘ported’ by them to another provider e.g. a college and is owned by them until they are 20.

Careerpilot can be accessed through pc, tablet or phone.

NB. You will need to log in to Careerpilot with your Member's Admin Access to download these resources. 

How the career lessons work

There is a theme for every year group linked to the key exploration or decisions they should be considering in that year. 

Each lesson has a specific topic that will be covered, with two outcomes that map to the CDI Framework. 

Ideally students will complete all five lessons online, using Careerpilot - as a minimum, lesson 1 and 5 require access to Careerpilot, but for Y7-10,  lessons 2-4 include both online and offline activities, if computer access is not available.

The Y11-Y12/13 lessons will require students to have access to Careerpilot for each of the five lessons. 

The packs have been designed so that the sessions can be delivered through a Power Point with notes to explain screens to the teachers. Some of the lessons have been recorded as videos, with a member of the Careerpilot Team virtually delivering the session and providing instruction to the facilitating teacher and the students. The link to the recorded session will be in the Power Point. 

All students need is access to and a paper/pen.

An example of the Power Point for Y11

Lessons mapped to CDI Framework, Gatsby and Skills Builder

Lessons have been mapped to the CDI Framework and each lessons indicates two outcomes from the Framework which will be met through the lesson. This is a great way to introduce the Framework to students and also to help them develop their career skills and start to manage their own career.

Lessons are also mapped to the Gatsby Benchmarks and embedded in the lessons are activities that will help students to practice their essential skills.

These resources are free to Careerpilot users with an admin login. 

You can get an admin login if your school/college has completed a Data Sharing Agreement. Any staff member who has been given an admin login for the Reporting Zone also has full access to the Adviser Zone. 

You can request access to the Reporting Zone if you are a school or college in one of our funded areas or are in a school outside these areas that is subscribing. Check whether your school is a subscriber.

Find out more about setting up Careerpilot access here.