User management tools allow you to set up your teachers to access the reports.
All schools/colleges in the SW and in some parts of the SE have free access to the 4 zones of Careerpilot (not including the Pathway Planner for which there is a small charge). If you already have a login for the Reporting Zone sign in now and you will also be able to access the Adviser Zone Members' Area. If you need a login contact us and we will explain what to do.
Does my school/college have a subscription?See reports on the choices your students are interested in, use the data to plan encounters that meet your students’ needs. Show how you are meeting the needs of your students. Add career reports and agreed actions for every student. Download and print reports for every group or individual.
User management tools allow you to set up your teachers to access the reports.
Arrange students into groups of your choice to allow for easy management
Download and print out full reports
View reports by individual or by a group
Unrestricted access to ALL resources and content in the Adviser Zone Members’ area. Including 5 week PHSE programmes for every year group, 20 minute tutor time activities, Hot Job in the NHS with activities, subject-specific resources, maps to Gatsby and Compass and much more.
Access career news and get the latest from our team of careers experts.
The Pathway Planner is available for purchase as an add-on to your Careerpilot site. Developed through a bid to the Careers and Enterprise Company, the Pathway Planner is a three-stage triage model and tool which prepares students for guidance, assess their readiness to progress and provides a red, amber, green rating so you can allocate guidance according to need. Additional tools enable you to record bookings, track progression and monitor students’ progress towards their next destination.
Students have a 1 hour structured, online, pre-guidance session that informs them about their future options
Students complete 'quiz' questions to see how ready they are for their chosen pathway
Guidance advisers can view reports and see the 'red, amber, green' score and allocate guidance according to three levels of need.
Tracking tools mean schools can show evidence of interventions with easy-to-use tools
01225 386161