Annual Salary
Average UK salary in 2023 was £34,963
(source Office for National Statistics)
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Dance teachers train and develop their students in all types of dance.
Average UK salary in 2023 was £34,963
(source Office for National Statistics)
You could work: evenings / weekends; attending events or appointments
There will be
3.5% more Dance teacher jobs in 2029.
As a dance teacher, you would:
You could work at a school, at a college, at a university, an independent training centre or in the community.
You can get into this job through:
You'll need a relevant degree in dance or performing arts. There are some degrees in dance that include teacher training. To teach in a state school you'll usually need qualified teacher status (QTS).
As a primary teacher, you'll train to teach all subjects and could develop a subject specialism in physical education, which may include dance or creative movement.
At secondary level you could teach dance as a single subject or combine it with other subjects like physical education, drama or performing arts.
To be a lecturer in a university or conservatoire, you'll need a postgraduate qualification or a recognised profile as a professional performer, along with teaching experience.
You'll usually need:
To teach in a further education college, or as a sessional tutor in schools or private education, you’ll need a minimum of a level 3 qualification in dance.
You'll improve your chances of employment by doing a professional qualification with a recognised dance awarding organisation, such as:
You'll usually need:
You could work your way into this role if you've got several years' experience in dance.
You could start as an assistant in a private dance school and do teaching qualifications with a dance organisation approved by the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT).
If you're a qualified teacher but without dance subject knowledge, for example a PE teacher, you could also take a CDMT-approved course.
You'll need to:
You can search for jobs in schools through the Teaching Vacancies service.
You can get advice about training to be a dance fitness instructor from EMDUK.
You can join One Dance UK for professional recognition, training opportunities and to make industry contacts.
You can find out more about becoming a dance teacher from:One Dance UK; Discover Creative Careers; Get Into Teaching
In a school you could become a head of department or headteacher.
You might also move into:choreography; dance production; dance movement psychotherapy; dance fitness training
As a private dance teacher you could develop your own business and run your own dance school.
You'll need: