Annual Salary
Average UK salary in 2023 was £34,963
(source Office for National Statistics)
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Microbrewers produce and market their own alcoholic drinks like beers, ciders and gins.
Average UK salary in 2023 was £34,963
(source Office for National Statistics)
You could work: in your own business;
There will be
0.7% fewer Microbrewer jobs in 2029.
As a microbrewer, you'll:
You may need to wear safety clothing and use safety equipment.
You could work at a brewery, distillery or in a workshop.
Your working environment may be humid and physically active.
You can get into this job through:
You could start by doing a Brewer Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship to learn the skills and knowledge needed in this career.
This apprenticeship takes around one and a half years to complete.
After finishing the apprenticeship, you would need to build up your experience of working in the industry before moving into microbrewing.
There are no set entry requirements but it may help you to get in if you have:
You could take professional qualifications like those offered by the Chartered Institute of Brewers and Distillers. You can also train with private training companies who offer specialist courses in brewing.
You could set up your own microbrewery if you have the right skills, knowledge and experience. You can get advice on setting up a new business from GOV.UK and Brew School.
You'll need to:
You could join the Society of Independent Brewers for training opportunities and to make industry contacts.
You can find out more about working in the brewing industry from the Society of Independent Brewers and Brewlab.
You could increase production volume and become a bigger brewery, or work for a larger brewery company as a master brewer. You could also become a consultant, giving advice to others on setting up in the craft drinks trade.
You could run brewing or distilling workshops for people new to microbrewing or for people who do it as a hobby.
You'll need: