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Feedback from Careerpilot users

Matrix Report June 2023

Summary Feedback from assessor:


Leadership & Management is strong. Following a period of considerable turbulence, there is now a clear governance and management structure, and a tightly written forward plan for 2023/24. The previous Board have embraced the changes, and all have continued as the Steering Group, bringing a continuity of support and guidance to the Manager, and whole staff team. If plans develop as anticipated, this will strengthen further with the consortium more formally becoming part of the University of Bath. Staff are fully conversant with the changes and the context in which they were made, as well as the forward plan meaning everyone is moving in the same direction (1.1, 1.2)

The staff team themselves are a considerable strength. Many are long serving having been with WVPC since the beginning; all are highly qualified. They are fully involved in developing Careerpilot (and Lifepilot to an extent), and in supporting and improving WIN delivery. They meet regularly as a team and more generally provide peer support. There are peer observations of practice via recorded interviews, and an allowance within their contracts for undertaking CPD. This mean provides WVPC with a flexible, loyal and highly competent workforce (2.3, 2.4, 4.6)

Careerpilot itself is a quality product that is continually updated with new information and resources, such as the latest LMI data. It is attractive and intuitive to navigate. The whole team, steering group, partners and other stakeholders inform content development so that it remains relevant and interesting to young people. For example the ability to focus by values, introduced over the last year reflecting the fact that young people are increasingly more interested in job roles and employers that reflect their values and beliefs. And the Green Jobs initiative which showcased careers that protect the environment and look after our natural resources. Young people and advisors commented on the ‘Jobs’ section, in particular the ability to look at salary range and the current trends in terms of whether the role is waxing or waning.  Feedback from users shows exceptional levels of satisfaction (2.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.7)

WVPC has a long history based on partnership working designed to ensure that its activities remain responsive to changing needs, and exploit available resources. In spite of recent changes, this ethos continues. This means that the team has access to a considerable font of knowledge, expertise and experience to inform practice. Close partnerships with schools and colleges also leads to a richer provision for pupils and students. The forward plans have growing further partnerships in order to develop access to CareerPilot in new areas. The one thing I really want to get across is ‘trust’. You can have complete confidence in them. Complete trust” said a partner. (1.8, 4.4)

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