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Feedback from Careerpilot users

Julie Parr: All Saints Academy Cheltenham

Julie Parr: Head of Careers MCDI & Pastoral Manager Post 16.All Saints Academy Cheltenham.

How do you use Careerpilot?

Careerpilot is our chosen online resource for CEIAG at All Saints’ Academy  helping young people make informed decisions about their learning, job opportunities and career options, ultimately, with a view to helping them get, stay and progress in work. Careerpilot enables many of our students to be able to independently access online IAG resources in ways - and at times - that suits them best.

This enables face-to-face support to be more effectively targeted at those most in need.

How does Careerpilot help young people make informed decisions?

Careerpilot provides our students with the resources and useful tools for career exploration, identify strengths and weaknesses and set targets for improvement. Careerpilot assists students to understand and record the skills and qualities they need to manage their careers, and provides access information by signposting to other resources as the basis for making informed decisions at key transition stages.

What impact do you think it has on students?

Careerpilot plays an important part in raising student aspirations, helping them to understand and adapt to the changing jobs market and to acquire new skills. Careerpilot encourages our students to use self-assessment to understand the opportunities available to them and how to make the most of themselves. Careerpilot enables students to understand the skills they need, record and review their achievements, plan their future actions, make decisions, cope with change and transition. Careerpilot allows students to learn about the changing nature of work, career choices and other relevant information which will affect their decisions.

How does Careerpilot support your role as a careers coordinator?

Careerpilot helps our students develop and use the skills they need to review their achievements, plan their future actions, make decisions, present themselves well and cope with change and transition. Careerpilot is our chosen online resource to complement CEIAG in the classroom and face-to-face meetings empowering students to learn about the changing nature of work, career choices and other relevant information in order to make an effective transition from school to adulthood and employment.The introduction of a reporting zone allows us to plan our provision,

Careerpilot supports our CEIAG programme which is constructed to ensure students are fully prepared for making appropriate choices not only for KS4, but also for Post 16 Education (including work based learning - Apprenticeships) and beyond.

Careerpilot Parent Zone is promoted at Parent information evenings and on our website

How does Careerpilot contribute to partnership working?

Careerpilot has content from our local NCOP and is supported by regional NCOP partnerships in the South and South West of England. This enables us to access support when planning our provision and whole school events.

The knowledge that content on the site has been provided from NCOP’s is reassuring, we are confident the information, advice and guidance is impartial, unbiased and most importantly up-to-date.