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How can I get help to advise my child?

All young people should have access to information about the range of study and training choices that are available to them and support to help them make informed decisions.

Advice from Schools

In January 2023 the government published updated statutory guidance for schools on the provision of Careers Guidance for pupils. It states that schools:

  •  must ensure that pupils are provided with independent careers guidance from year 7 to year 13
  •  provide opportunities for a range of education and training providers to access all year 8 to 13 pupils to inform them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.  The legislation includes a minimum number of six provider encounters that every school must provide and, for the first time, introduces parameters around the duration and content of these encounters so that we can ensure they are of high quality
  • The Government expects all secondary schools and colleges to use the internationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks to develop a careers programme that increases opportunities for students to access everything from experiences of the workplace and personal guidance with a careers adviser, to engagement with employers, colleges, training providers and universities.

Ask your son or daughter’s school about their Careers Programme and the activities they are offering each year group to provide independent careers information, advice and guidance.  Schools are legally obliged to publish this information on their website. 

Advice from Colleges

Colleges will provide impartial information, advice and guidance to young people who are interested in studying at their college. Most also have programmes of school outreach to provide advice and guidance to local school pupils as well as tutorial timetables to provide advice to current college students on their next steps in apprenticeships, employment or Higher Education.

Advice about Higher Education

There is comprehensive, independent information, advice and films to help parents and young people decide about HE choices at

Open days

All colleges and universities hold open days, open evenings or widening participation events such as summer schools or half term clubs. 

Check out college and university websites for more or visit:

Advice about Apprenticeships

Find out more about what Higher and Degree Apprenticeships are available in your area by registering and searching for vacancies and

More information:

Careerpilot has lots of information about the choices available to young people at 14, 16 and 18, on job sectors and detailed information about the range of pathways young people can choose.

The National Careers Service offers free online, web and telephone support for under 19s and free face to face careers advice for 18+ on Job Seekers Allowance and all people 19 years and above. 

A site for adults wanting to get back into learning

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